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Humble w/Daryl Van Tongeren, PhD

Free Yourself from the Traps of a Narcissistic World

In Humble, Daryl Van Tongeren, PhD, a leading researcher into the science of humility, gives this unassuming trait a much-needed re-brand, explaining why the humble enjoy a more secure sense

of self, handle challenges better, and indeed, are often the people we like the most.

In its truest sense, humbleness is the happy medium between self-denial and self-obsession: it grants

the holder an accurate view of reality. By seeing where we have room to improve, we can grow. By admitting our doubts, we can learn. And by acknowledgement our own worldview as one among many, we can truly connect with others despite our differences.

A thoughtful-provoking call to re-examine our values, Humble signals a paradigm shift - from the frenzied "self-esteem movement" to a better world in which we life one another up.

#spaitgirl podcast

Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz

EP.192 - Humble w/Daryl Van Tongeren, PhD

To Listen, Subscribe to Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz on any Podcast App or on Youtube


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I hope you feel inspired and empowered to practice self-care and to take care of yourself after listening in. 


Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz #SPAITGIRL Podcast 

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